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Commercial Aluminium Windows

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Aluminium Bending Specialists Ltd offer their customers a variety of different shaped windows. Ranging from round to square windows, they have the power to transform any commercial building.

All aluminium window frames come completely welded and can be fabricated from any of the aluminium systems available.

When constructing our windows, simplicity is everything. You can be assured all measurements and fittings will be met. Whether you’re looking to upgrade an office, school or any other business building, our windows will fit exactly where you need them to.

Commercial Aluminium Windows

We’ve been providing the construction industry with high quality finishings for years. Helping to give companies an added premium touch.

You’ll benefit from nearly 25 years of experience whilst our design team offer their full support throughout the process. This enables you to have complete freedom with your visions and come up with the ideal final solution.

Commercial windows are designed to let in more light in larger spaces. More light means larger frames and more glass. Commercial buildings are the ideal space for a mix of window designs, ranging from panelled round windows to the classic square.

If you’re looking to add some aluminium windows to your building, use our quote builder for an easy answer.

Commercial Window Frames

Aluminium bending specialists are professionals in creating bespoke windows, especially in a commercial setting. Our team have created plenty of windows over the years, offering our customers with constant support along the way.

No matter the colour, shape or size, our state-of-the-art powder coating facilities will accommodate your needs so your new frames are exactly how you want them!

Get in touch with us today and call us on 01623 721 172 for a free quote or just a general chat.

Get a quote

Our expert design team will be happy to help with you any commercial project.

Call us on 01623 721 172 and our team will be happy to help.