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Square Aluminium Windows

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Aluminium Bending Specialists Ltd provides a range of different shaped windows, ranging from round to porthole windows.

All aluminium window frames come fully welded and can be fabricated from any of the aluminium systems available in the UK, as well as ABS’s own selection.

When constructing our square or rectangle windows, simplistic detail is everything. You can be assured all measurements and specifics will be met, with the windows fitting perfectly into the space.

A clear advantage of the square windows that ABS fabricate, is that all the frames are professionally welded. This provides a neater aesthetic which will forever be stylish.

Square Aluminium Windows

We’ve provided the housing and construction industries with high quality finishings for years, helping to innovative companies and add a bespoke touch to any home.

You’ll benefit from nearly 25 years of experience whilst our design team offer their full support throughout the process.

If you’re looking to add some aluminium windows to your building, use our quote builder for an easy answer.

Square Window Frames

Aluminium bending specialists are experts in creating bespoke windows and our traditional square frames are a number one choice. Our team have crested plenty of windows over years, providing constant support along the way.

No matter the colour, our state-of-the-art powder coating facilities will accommodate your wants so your new frames are exactly how you want them!

Get in touch with us today and call us on 01623 721 172 for a free quote or just a general chat.

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Our expert design team will be happy to help with you curved window and door needs. Call us today!

Call us on 01623 721 172 and our team will be happy to help.